Sweet Science / Baking Quest

Sweet Science," where baking meets chemistry! This 7-week quest merges the art of baking with the wonders of chemistry. Throughout this exploration, the Eagles will embark on a hands-on adventure, unlocking the secrets behind the delicious treats they love!

A Hands-On, Learn-To-Do Quest: By merging baking with chemistry, Eagles engage in experiential learning that enhances their understanding of scientific concepts in a tangible and enjoyable way. The hands-on activities foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork as they navigate the intricacies of recipe creation and experimentation. Furthermore, this quest nurtures a sense of curiosity, encouraging Eagles to ask questions and explore the "whys" and "hows" of baking, promoting a deeper understanding of the scientific method. The integration of creative expression in designing unique recipes not only stimulates innovation but also instills a sense of pride and accomplishment. Finally, the Exhibition provides a platform for Eagles to showcase their newfound knowledge, giving them opportunities to build their communication skills and confidence.

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Varun Bhatia