Homeschooling Approach

The benefits of homeschooling are tremendous - positive environment, personalized learning, ability for child to pursue his / her own passion, flexibility of schedule, family bond, and quality of education

Acton Academy Columbus is structured as a homeschool and provides learners the opportunity to get many of the great experiences they would in a traditional homeschool environment.



Acton Academy Columbus is a one-room schoolhouse where Learners find joy in learning in a tight-knit community. Our mixed-age, growth mindset environment provides younger Eagles the opportunity to learn from the older Eagles. In turn, the older Eagles are able to practice their leadership skills and work on mastery of the 3 R’s along with the 4 C’s (Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, and Critical Thinking)



Every child learns at his/her own pace. It’s a mantra that has been repeated millions of times but then we put same-age students together and expect them to learn the same way and at the same pace as the other students. Acton is different. Every learner goes at his / her own pace for every topic they are learning, whether it be during core skills or project time.



One of the biggest benefits of homeschooling is that it allows individuals to pursue their own passion - whatever that may be. Learners at Acton are exposed to a wide variety of opportunities and some of those lead to deep passion that they continue to work on at home and at school. There is no limit to what a person can do if they’re given the opportunity in an appropriate environment to excel.


Flexible Schedule

Acton Academy is a favorite among homeschoolers because of our flexible schedule. The school calendar is set up to give families and learners breaks every 4-6 weeks for anything they want - vacation, staycation, or just a mental break. We don’t count days and mark absences.



The families and learners at Acton Academy Columbus are tight knit group. Together, we work to create a positive environment for learners to grow and excel. Our learners love coming to Acton and spending the day with each other as they each work on their Hero’s Journey.


Quality of Education

Traditional education has been about textbooks and passing knowledge from teacher to student. Homeschooling families have long known that there are so many ways to learn - from co-ops to online education software to other enrichment programs and beyond. Acton Academy operates with the same model. In addition to using leading education software, we work with community leaders around Columbus to develop opportunities for learners to discover a new passion.

Do you want your child to feel like life is an endless stream of opportunities?