Elementary Studio

Ages 7 - 11

Students learning creative writing in Dublin, OH

Ignite a lifelong passion for learning

We believe each child has a gift that can change the world in a profound way. At Acton Columbus, our mission is to guide curious, independent, lifelong learners on their journey to discover their greatest talents.

The goal of the educational process is to produce self-directed, life-long learners.
— Gary Schoeniger

How is Acton Academy different?

Learn to Know
Quizzes, Tests, Memorization
Beyond Textbooks
Learn to Learn, Learn to Do, Learn to Be
Grouped by age
Mixed-age Studio
Growth Mindset environment
Rows of Desks
Freedom to move around
Movement fosters thought, creativity
Excessive homework
No homework
Forced homework = loss of joy for learning
Teacher-Led Lectures
Socratic Questions
Fosters critical thinking
One-size-fits-all curriculum
Personalized Education
Self-Paced Learning
Teacher is authority
Learner-Driven Environment
Student contracts, Peer-to-Peer Learning
Grades, Report Cards
Mastery-Based Learning
Individual SMART Goals, Focus on Mastery

If you can light the spark of curiosity in children, they will learn without any further assistance
— Sir Ken Robinson




Socratic Discussions and self-paced core skills challenges equip children to be independent lifelong critical learners.

Waldorf-inspired outdoor education at Acton Academy Columbus


Hands-on Projects for Science, Entrepreneurship and the Arts prepare children for Apprenticeships and real world challenges.

Circle time at Acton Academy Columbus (private school near Hilliard, OH)


Learners discuss and celebrate character traits—such as hard work, growth mindset, integrity, persistence, kindness, and gratitude.

The power of self-driven education & real world work stick harder than a scantron.
— Ed Hanko

Real Life Skills for a 21st Century Education


  • The latest in educational technology for self paced mastery of reading, writing and math skills.

  • Deep Socratic discussions hone critical thinking skills and the ability to powerfully think, write and speak.

  • Hands-on project based Projects to master the tools and skills needed to solve problems in the real world.

  • Focus on the 4 Cs: Communication skills, Collaboration, Critical thinking, and Creativity

Real-world challenges at Acton Academy (homeschooling alternative)

I’ve visited and studied hundreds of innovative models of schooling over the past decade, and Acton continues to be one of the most promising models…. Acton is a truly inspiring and exceptional school.
— Bernard Bull


  • Students create and sign a Contract of Promises describing community norms.

  • Teams encourage younger / older students to listen, affirm, set goals and hold each other accountable.

  • Teams use Agile Project Management to break down tasks to complete larger projects

  • Executive Functioning Skills include time management, teamwork, collaboration, communication, delegation, design, organization, and planning to bring together a project to completion.

The way kids learn to make good decisions is by making decisions, not following directions.
— Alfie Kohn



Learners work at their own pace to achieve mastery in the core skills of reading, grammar, and math rather than to earn grades or pass tests. This personalized approach to learning allows them to zoom past topics they quickly grasp and to be more deliberate in other topics.

  1. Core skill and character development badges.

  2. Electronic and hard copy portfolios capture rough drafts, photos, video and other creative work.

  3. Public exhibitions at the end of most Quests allow young heroes to present work to experts, customers or the public for a real world test.

Personalized learning is not what is done to the learner or about tailoring the learning. It is about helping each learner to identify and develop the skills they need to support and enhance their own learning so that agency and self-advocacy can be realized.
— Kathleen McClaskey


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The primary goal of real education is not to deliver facts but to guide students to the truths that will allow them to take responsibility for their lives.
— John Taylor Gatto

Do you want your child to feel like life is an endless stream of opportunities?

Perhaps Acton columbus is for you and your family.