Acton Academy Summer Camp

Ages 5 - 13


Real world challenges + Play-based learning

STEAM challenges

Through our project-based challenges, we will explore chemistry, physics, robotics, engineering, math, and many other areas of STEAM.


We explore all aspects of building a business. Our campers use this knowledge to build a new business each week. Each Friday, the Entrepreneurs will set up shop for parents!

Nature Summer Camp - Acton Academy Columbus

OutdoorS / Play

We’ll be heading out every day with time for structured and free play - soccer, woods, basketball, and a creek are some of the amenities that are easily available to us!

Full-Day and Half-Day Programs

STEM / Entrepreneurship Summer Camp - Columbus, OH

Full-Day Program (8:30a - 4:00p)

In our Full day program, mornings are dedicated to STEM projects (with lunch and outdoor play) and afternoons are focused on Entrepreneurship projects (with time for outdoor play).

Acton Academy Columbus STEM / Entrepreneurship Summer Camp

Half-Day (8:30a - 12:30p OR 12:30p - 4:00p)

Two Half-Day Summer Camp options:

  1. Morning: STEM projects + Lunch + Outdoor Play

  2. Afternoon: Entrepreneurship + Outdoor Play


Week 1 Physics / Toy Design Art Gallery
Week 2 Illusion Workshop Pottery / Ceramic Shop
Week 3 Electronics Toy Shop
Week 4 Architecture TBD

All summer or by the week

Acton Academy Columbus Summer Camp - Full Summer Program

All Summer (July 7 - Aug 1)

Acton Academy Columbus Summer Camp - Flexible by week

by week


Full SummerBy Week
All Day$325/wk$375/wk
Half Day-$275/wk

Time: July 7 - Aug 1; Register for the Full Summer Program or by Week

Address: 5762 Wilcox Rd, Dublin, OH 43016

Materials: All material will be provided by Acton

Ages: 5 - 13 years of age

Capacity: 20 registrants per week

Questions? Please email (, call or text (614.603.7227)