Enrollment open for Fall 2022

Acton Academy Columbus opened last August with a simple belief - Children are far more capable than we've ever given them credit for.

Here's what's happened since Acton Academy Columbus opened last year.    

  • Self-Paced learning works: 66% of our learners have already completed a grade level. They've moved on to the next grade level. Some will move two grade levels ahead before the end of the year.

  • Real-world work sticks harder than a scantron: We work on real-work projects related to Entrepreneurship, STEM, Engineering, and Coding / Robotics. 

  • Soft skills are critical skills that need to be developed: Skills like leadership, teamwork, time management, project management, decisiveness, negotiation / conflict resolution take practice. Our learners work on team projects every week and they're developing these skills as they work together. 

At Acton, our learners work on MBA and Engineering college challenges. It's not crazy - they are capable of it. I am more certain of that today than I've ever been. 

I am certain the Acton model helps learners excel. I know our learners are building their academic and soft skills. I know they are working on developing emotional skills like conflict resolution and negotiation. 

Acton Academy Columbus is helping learners prepare for life in the 21st century… that I am certain of. 

If you believe that children are far more capable than we've ever imagined... if you believe that school is more than test scores and grades.... if you want your child to be independent and find joy in learning, then Acton Academy may be the right school for your child and family. 

We've opened enrollment for next year. There are a very limited number of spots available.    

Acton Academy Columbus, a private school in Dublin, OH, opens enrollment for Fall 2022
Varun Bhatia