Entrepreneurship at School

The beauty of an alternative education approach is the flexibility of schedule and ability to work on all kinds of different projects. Our Eagles have already worked on a couple of Entrepreneurship projects this year. And later this year, we will go through an entire Entrepreneurship quest and host a Children’s Business Fair. At the Business Fair, the learners will have the opportunity to sell their products and make real money.

Our Eagles are currently building their own restaurants!


Yes, they’re making a restaurant.

Menu, Prices, Seating, Decor, and yes… Food.

They will need to buy food, figure out recipes and then actually cook the food.

They will invite parents and family members to eat at their restaurant. The parents will order and eat the food cooked by the learners.

A couple months ago, our learners also built a candy store. They worked in teams to develop a retail candy business. In the process, they had to buy candy, designed their retail stores, package the candy they wanted to sell, set their prices, and set up the store.

After a week of collaborating, each of the teams sold candy to their families and made real money.

Real world challenges. Building businesses, making money, practicing entrepreneurship skills.

Varun Bhatia