Fall 2023 Enrollment Open

Now enrolling for our Spark, Elementary, and Middle School studios

The School with Real World Challenges

Enrolling for our Spark (Ages 4 - 6.5), Elementary (Ages 6 - 11), and Middle School studios (Ages 11 - 14)

Academic Excellence

Self-Paced Learning: There are no "average students" - Our Learners excel and move at their own pace. Some will move two grade levels ahead before the end of the year. Others will move at a different pace.   

Critical / Soft Skills

Skills like leadership, teamwork, time management, project management, decisiveness, negotiation / conflict resolution take practice. Our learners work on team projects every week and they're developing these skills as they work together.

Real-World Challenges

We work on interdisciplinary real-world projects related to Entrepreneurship, STEM, Engineering, and Coding / Robotics. Meaningful learning through projects leads to deep, joyful learning. 

Tight-Knit Community

We aim to develop curious, independent students who find great joy in creating, learning, and collaborating in a tight knit community while discovering their own personal gifts and talents.

Joyful Learning

In our mixed-age, one-room schoolhouse, our mission is to inspire every learner to find their own passion and find joy while learning the skills for the 21st century.

Schedule a Tour
Come to our Open House
Apply for Admission
There are limited open spots for Fall 2023. If you are interested in joining Acton for next Fall, please consider beginning the process now. Once the open spots fill up, we will begin accepting wait-list spots.
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