Growth Mindset
The Importance of Growth Mindset
Students with a growth mindset believe intelligence can be developed. This leads to a desire to learn and, therefore, a tendency to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, see effort as the path to mastery, learn from criticism, and find lessons and inspiration in the success of others.
As a result, they reach ever-higher levels of achievement.
MULTI-Age Classroom
A core Montessori principle, and one of our 16 principles of Education, is that multi-age classrooms are optimal for learning. In multi-age classrooms, younger students see their older peers and recognize that through practice and hard work, they will be able to achieve the same level of mastery of skills and tasks. As older students observe younger students, the value of working hard is reinforced through observing the growth younger children experience. It encourages them to continue to grow and learn new skills.
GROWTH Mindset Discussions With Learners
From our Socratic launches to our daily discussions with learners, building a growth mindset is always at the focus. Our launches may center around what it takes to be successful or how failure is the key to future success. Or we may do an entire session on the “rubber band elasticity” of our brains.
As Peter Johnston reminds us in Opening Minds: Using Language to Change Lives, our words are critical in developing growth mindsets. His argument is at the center what our guides focus on every day.
Studio / Guides
Acton studios are built with a focus on instilling growth mindsets. Walk into an Acton Academy and you’ll see growth mindset posters and quotes throughout the studio. Check out any Acton library and you’ll see growth mindset books for children.
In addition, all guides at Acton are well-versed on the importance of developing growth mindsets of our learners.
Growth Mindset is central to our studio and culture.
Working alongside Parents / Guardians
Building a growth mindset in our learners happens in the studio and at home. We work with Parents to make sure they are well versed in the tenets of building a growth mindset - this includes actions and words we use with learners.
Working together, we’ll make sure every child at 360 Academy understands “The power of yet” and understands how their actions drive their growth.
Carol Dweck: The power of believing that you can improve
Eduardo Briceño: The power of belief - mindset and success